asparagus coming up

i’ve really been wanting to write more, as there is tons of stuff to write about right now.  during the winter when i have time to write there really isn’t that much to write about and now that there is lots to write about i don’t have time.  i’ve been trying to get a few posts written on the weekend and post them, but even that is starting to feel like a struggle.  but i’m still trying, i think the posts will just end up shorter.  the asparagus started coming up this week, i first noticed it on friday, and should be a couple of stalks ready to pick on monday or tuesday.  i am very excited and took a nice picture

asparagus arise!

that is all.

4 responses to “asparagus coming up

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love how it looks like a tropical forest of asparagus trees and the stalks are eight, ten, even twenty feet tall!

  3. Yes I love your picture as well, and was wondering if i could have permission to include it in a drawing of the life cycle of asparagus, showing that image to represent – time for harvest

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